
Wells Lions Club provides food for UPtoberfest

Courtesy photo Those that attended UPtoberfest may have noticed a difference in the food. This year, the Wells Lions Club was approached by the event coordinators and were thrilled to participate. Shown are, from left to right, back row: Lions Doug Krusic, Bill Jensen, Scott Kwarciany, Kevin Gartland, and Roger Chenier. In the front row are John Gartland, Tom Schorn, Tom Skradski, and Troy Sebeck.

Courtesy photo

Those that attended UPtoberfest may have noticed a difference in the food. This year, the Wells Lions Club was approached by the event coordinators and were thrilled to participate. Shown are, from left to right, back row: Lions Doug Krusic, Bill Jensen, Scott Kwarciany, Kevin Gartland, and Roger Chenier. In the front row are John Gartland, Tom Schorn, Tom Skradski, and Troy Sebeck.

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