Rotary, Kiwanis support ice rink project
Courtesy photos
Enhance Escanaba, a nonprofit volunteer organization established in 2021, recently received donations for a proposed refrigerated ice rink. In the top photo, Escanaba Rotary Club President Alex DeHahn, left, presents a check for $2,500 to Don Curran, member of the board of Enhance Escanaba. In the bottom photo, Karen Moore, president of Enhance Escanaba, third from right, accepts a donation of $2,500 from Escanaba Kiwanis members, Judy Lynch, Peggy Ramsden, Pat Rudden, Ashley Borowski and Gina Laur. The proposed portable rink would be set up in Ludington Park and refrigerated, allowing for near-perfect skating ice when outdoor temperatures top 50 degrees. More information on the $250,000 project is available at Anyone interested in donating to the project is encouraged to visit the website or find the group on Facebook.