
Colorado Yoopers Picnic set

LAKEWOOD, Colo. — The Annual Colorado Yoopers Picnic will be held Sunday, Sept. 22 at Carl Johnson’s office, 12640 W. Cedar Drive, Lakewood, CO 80228.

This will be the 24th anniversary for the group of Yoopers who moved to Colorado from the U.P. All Yoopers and “wannabes” are welcome, and anyone who knows a Yooper that moved to Colorado is asked to encourage them to attend..

Those planning to attend are asked to bring a dish and any gifts they would like to give away in drawings.

Pasties will be available for $7, with profits going to the U.P. for nonprofits. The funds are normally doubled by corporate funds.

For more information or to nominate a charity for support, visit coloradoyoopers.com. Those who wish to join the group’s email mailing list may send their email to coloradoyoopers@gmail.com


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