
Local florists get leftover flowers

Dear Heloise: When our father died, we received a vast amount of vases of flowers that could not be taken to the cemetery. After the service, we gave several to neighbors. When the flowers were dead, we washed the vases and took them to local florists instead of donating them to charities. They were happy to get them. We did this again when our mother passed.

Just another way to reuse them. Love your column! — S.H., in Texas


Dear Heloise: I read your column every day in the Fort Dodge Messenger and enjoy your tips. Here are a few more:

— I keep a vacuum sealer in my cupboard and use it to seal all sorts of bags that I have opened.

— A trick I learned from my dad is to put anything that might cause an odor in the freezer until garbage day to keep it from smelling.

— While a lot of people use tongs for their toaster, you can just raise up on the lever to get hard-to-get items out on a lot of the new toasters.

Thanks. — D.B., in Iowa


Dear Heloise: Many people think storing fresh berries in their refrigerator is the best way to store them, but they should be kept in their original packaging and stored in a crisper inside of the refrigerator.

The longer any fruit is kept in the refrigerator, the more nutrients get lost. It’s really better if you eat the fruit the day it’s purchased or within a couple of days of buying it. While refrigeration keeps the texture and taste of fruit, it does not prevent nutrient loss. — D.W., in California


Dear Heloise: If a toothpick is too short to test whether your bread or other baked goods are done, try a bamboo skewer. I also use bamboo skewers to see if a plant needs watering. — M.S., in California


Dear Heloise: Here’s my solution regarding door-to-door con artists: I simply never do business with someone at my front door. I will instead ask them to please send me something in the mail, and then I just close the door. — R.D.K., via email


Dear Heloise: To keep your soap dish clean after washing your hands, lay the soap on the towel while you rinse your hands, then put it in the soap dish. The soap dish stays cleaner for longer. — R.P., in Texas


Dear Heloise: When we have casual parties like backyard barbecues, I write “Trash” and “Recycle” in marker on paper bags and place the bags all around the house. Most people then dispose of their trash themselves, and it makes cleanup a snap after the party. — C.G., in Houston

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.


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