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Daily Press file photo Prince Robert, played by Todd Stage, leans over to awaken Snow White, Kacie Cryderman, with a kiss during a recent production of Snow White by the Rapid River High School Drama Club. The play, written by Tim Kelly, was directed by Kristy Smith of Gladstone. The audience particularly enjoyed the loyal but humorous “Walking, Talking, Magic Mirror” played by Nathan Holtslander and his conversations with the “second fairest in the land” — the beautiful queen, played by Val Nelson.

Daily Press file photo

Prince Robert, played by Todd Stage, leans over to awaken Snow White, Kacie Cryderman, with a kiss during a recent production of Snow White by the Rapid River High School Drama Club. The play, written by Tim Kelly, was directed by Kristy Smith of Gladstone. The audience particularly enjoyed the loyal but humorous “Walking, Talking, Magic Mirror” played by Nathan Holtslander and his conversations with the “second fairest in the land” — the beautiful queen, played by Val Nelson.


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