
Alger Delta Electric Cooperative awards scholarships

Courtesy photos In the photos at right, Braedon Thill receives his scholarship from Alger Delta Electric Cooperative’s General Manager Mike Furmanski and Mattie Prestin receives her scholarship from Alger Delta Electric Cooperative’s District 6 Director Jesse Betters.
Courtesy photos In the photos at right, Braedon Thill receives his scholarship from Alger Delta Electric Cooperative’s General Manager Mike Furmanski and Mattie Prestin receives her scholarship from Alger Delta Electric Cooperative’s District 6 Director Jesse Betters.

GLADSTONE — Alger Delta Electric Cooperative awards two $1,000 scholarships every year. This year’s scholarships were awarded to Stephenson High School student Mattie Prestin and Big Bay de Noc student Braedon Thill.

Prestin’s scholarship was awarded by Alger Delta Electric Cooperative’s District 6 Director Jesse Betters at the Stephenson High School’s awards night on May 15. Thill’s scholarship was awarded on May 14 during Big Bay de Noc’s awards night by Alger Delta Electric Cooperative’s General Manager Mike Furmanski.


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