
Height wasn’t taken into account

Dear Heloise: My 14-year-old refrigerator just died (even though I know they used to last longer). In my desire to find another French door model with a bottom freezer, I neglected to consider factors other than style, color and width. I’m short (about 5 feet, 1 inch tall), and because of the financial factor, I chose not to get a “counter depth” model.

Unfortunately, I did not test how difficult it might be for me to reach all the way to the back shelves, especially the upper shelves. Also, the new model is a couple of inches higher, which creates other challenges. In retrospect, I should have done a “test run” in the showroom by thinking about stocking or cleaning the shelves and reaching far into the surface of the top shelf.

There are also other issues; for example, there is no butter keeper! I have to live with my choice now and will adapt, but I’m passing this lesson to others. — Madeline, Rutland, Vermont


Dear Heloise: I save grease in wide-mouth jelly jars all year long for my chickens to peck at during the cold days of winter. I keep the jars in the fridge until they’re full, then freeze them. Wild birds also appreciate a little fat on a cold day! It saves money, too, since I don’t have to buy suet. — Holly, in Maine


Dear Heloise: I learned this hint from your mother many years ago, since it was printed in our newspaper. It involved putting a bay leaf in your flour to keep out weevils. I have never had a problem since I started doing this many years ago.

I have also been known to keep a leaf in dry dog food, since I got a bad package of food one time. Also, I keep one on the pantry shelf. No more bugs!

I love reading your hints. I just wish our paper published the hints on Saturdays, too. Thank you for all that I have learned from you and your mother. I am just a few years older than you. Keep the hints coming, and best wishes! — L.D.P., Temple, Texas


Dear Heloise: I have about 50 spice bottles. The spices I use come with black caps most of the time. To make it easier for me to find the shaker part, I dab a bit of whiteout on the cap. — Frances Riel, Manchester, New Hampshire


Dear Heloise: My grandmother got tired of all the paper towel use, so she took Grandpa’s golf towel and attached it to the paper towel rack. The result over six months has been an astounding 80% drop in paper towel use, as no one uses them to dry their hands anymore. — Alec Booth, Long Branch, New Jersey

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.


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