
Ringing in the New Year

Dear Heloise: Here is a hint in time for the holidays, but good to consider anytime. When groups get together, we often toast each other with our glasses as a form of greeting and good luck.

But what should you do if you have a crystal wine glass? Ring it instead, as in “ringing in the New Year.” We know that a wine glass is meant to be filled only halfway. When you sip it, you often hold it by the “cup.” But when you hold it by the stem to toast, it makes a ringing sound. The vibration of the ring creates a musical energy that uplifts the energy of the group. Try it. — A Reader, via email


Dear Heloise: The suggestion for medical information storage was great, but I have stored me and my husband’s medical information with our drivers’ licenses for years.

It includes our names, address, birth dates, names of doctors with phone numbers, allergies, and complete data regarding medical history, including surgeries.

In my case, it also includes my knee replacements and pacemaker. In the event of an accident, authorities will first look for identity information, so it’s all there.

It might be wise to also include contact information for your next of kin. I have been repeatedly complimented by medical staff for this. I hope this is helpful to your readers! I have been a faithful follower of your informative column for decades. — B.B., via email


Dear Heloise: When I received cards during the past holiday season, I would display them and keep the envelopes instead of trashing them. This season, I decided to just alphabetize the envelopes according to the return address labels. Because of this, I was able to prepare my cards quickly and get them distributed earlier! — Carol, Arcadia, California


Dear Heloise: I just read the letter from two of your readers about the steps that their security company recommended for home safety. They all make good sense.

However, they left out a really effective way to keep your home safe: Police statistics show that your home is much less likely to be broken into if you have a dog that barks at noises or strangers. I have three mini Doxies, so there’s no worries here.

Another great reason to have dogs is that people who have pets live longer, with dog owners topping the list. — Jane Robb, Upland, California

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.


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