
Communication is important to get him off the couch

Dear Annie: I have been seeing this guy for about eight months now and don’t know how to explain what the situation is. He always comes to my house, and we watch TV and do a lot of talking. I feel like I have known him my whole life and am so comfortable with him.

My problem is that we never go out or do anything together. I have asked him if he is embarrassed to be seen in public with me, and all he says, emphatically, is no, and then he changes the subject.

I truly think I’m going crazy. What do I do? — Homebound

Dear Homebound: Don’t end it; just change it. If you want to go out on a date, then go out on a date. The next time he says he is going to come over to watch TV, tell him you will meet him at a local restaurant or movie theater to have a night out.

It is important to communicate to your partner what is important to you. If it’s a nice night on the town, then insist on it. You are certainly entitled to one. If he refuses, then yes, it is time to look for a new partner.

Dear Annie: I’d like to share my observations about married couples who approach social gatherings with different perspectives. It is not unusual if the husband is an introvert and the wife an extrovert, or vice versa.

There are some interesting books written about these personality differences. I found out that I was an introvert and started to feel more comfortable about why I felt that way. Extroverts like to be out and about on a regular basis. Introverts prefer to be out and about for a limited period of time, and then they are ready to go home and just be. So, then, you have a human doing versus a human being. I find being around people constantly very tiring, but an extrovert finds it invigorating.

Thanks for your column. — An Introvert Married to an Extrovert

Dear Introvert Married to an Extrovert: Thanks for highlighting these key differences. It is always important to know what makes you feel good, and what makes your partner feel good.

Dear Annie: This is in response to “Frustrated Friend” and others who have hearing loss or are coping with friends’ hearing loss.

Check out CaptionCall. It’s a free service that provides a telephone with a monitor. I have it. Everything the other party says comes up on the monitor, and I can read it! The caller ID is terrific. I’ve worn hearing aids for years, and I know I am losing tones. Most calls are clear for me, but if it concerns business, an appointment or something important, I can save the call and review it.

To obtain CaptionCall, first check with your hearing specialist and see if he or she recommends it. Your specialist will sign a certification to submit with your request. CaptionCall will contact you to make an appointment, come to your house with the phone and install it. If you have problems, call the service number to schedule something quickly. — Clear As a Bell

Dear Clear As a Bell: Hearing loss can make even the easiest, simplest tasks more taxing. This service sounds like a no-brainer for ease and peace of mind. Thanks for suggesting it.

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“Ask Me Anything: A Year of Advice From Dear Annie” is out now! Annie Lane’s debut book — featuring favorite columns on love, friendship, family and etiquette — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit http://www.creatorspublishing.com for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com.


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