
Ordination at First Lutheran Church

GLADSTONE — First Lutheran Church in Gladstone will host the ordination of Terry Frankenstein into the Ministry of Word and Sacrament on Sunday, April 23, at 3 p.m. Pastor-Elect Terry has been called to serve as Pastor of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Manistique.

A life-long Lutheran, Terry recently completed requirements for her Master of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Pastor-Elect Terry’s clinical pastoral education was with Lutheran Homes of Oshkosh under the direction of Reverend David Rumbold, and her internship was with Bethany Lutheran Church in Ishpeming under the direction of Reverend Warren Geier.

Bishop Thomas Skrenes of the Northern Great Lakes Synod (ELCA) will preside at the ordination, and Terry will be presented for ordination by Bishop Emeritus Dale Skogman. Many clergy will join in the laying on of hands, and lay persons will also take part in the service.

Pastor Elect Terry is the ninth pastor to be ordained at First Lutheran since 1996, preceded by Paul Strom, 1996, Patrick Ziems, 2004, Jean R. Schmidt, 2009, Amanda Kossow, 2012, Daniel Durbin, 2013, Diane Srutowski, 2014, and Tera Kossow, 2015. Ben Durbin from First Lutheran was also ordained in 2014.

The public is welcome to attend the ordination and join in the celebration. A time of fellowship will follow the completion of the service.


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